Ship & Play insures against complete loss of or against any physical damage that has occurred to a shipment while in transit. Ship & Play and its logistics partners are not liable for damage or loss of protruding parts such as wheels, straps, pockets, handles, or other items attached to a duffle bag, roller suitcase, soft travel bag, hard case, etc.
Please click here to file a claim.
File Claim
The claim must be submitted online within (10) ten days from the delivery date. Upon receipt of all the required documentation, the claim will be filed with our 3rd party insurance carrier by a Claims Manager. If additional documents are required a member of our Claims Department will contact you via e-mail or phone.
Submit Photos
(a) A photo of the original shipping label with the tracking number visible.
(b) A photo of the duffle bag, roller suitcase, soft travel bag, hard case, or box that was used for shipping with the original shipping label attached. Please ensure the image includes a view of the entire outermost packaging.
(c) For damaged items, a minimum of 2 photos of the damage that occurred while your shipment was in transit (make/model/brand must be visible). For missing item(s), proof of damage to the outer packaging (duffle bag, roller suitcase, soft travel bag, hard case, or box) will be required in order to process your claim.
(d) Proof of value (a screenshot of the item including the price with the entire URL from a webpage, receipt, or a repair quote).
Claim Approval or Denial
Our 3rd party insurance carrier will determine if your claim has been approved or denied. The decision to approve or deny a claim is based on the claims documentation submitted to the online claims form and is determined by photo inspection; therefore, please be straightforward as to the severity of the damage. Once the claim has been filed, it cannot be altered. All decisions determined by our 3rd party insurance carrier are final.
Claim Paid
Once the claim has been approved and paid by our 3rd party insurance carrier, Ship & Play will mail a reimbursement check to the address provided on the claims form. Please be advised that the claims payment may differ from the original amount requested. The final amount paid is not negotiable.
The length of the claims process can vary and may take up to (30) thirty days to complete from the time that our claims team has all of the required documentation to file the claim with our 3rd party insurance carrier. Should you have additional questions with regard to your claim or need assistance completing the Ship & Play Claims Form, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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